Mindfulness & The 3 Step Approach

Someone asked me recently what makes me a great coach? What do I do with my clients that has them find real transformation, and are able to achieve their goals and then some?

I said mindfulness ...

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6 Foods That Cause Inflammation

First of all, what is inflammation? Inflammation is the body’s natural defense against illness to stimulate healing. This sounds good, right? However, sustained inflammation can lead to...

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How to Bounce Back When You've Lost Motivation

So- you lost some motivation from when you first started your workout plan.

Maybe you:
- Feel too tired
- Aren’t super into the workouts anymore
- Feel bored and unchallenged, or the workouts are...

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Swap THIS for THAT

Swap This for That

Long-lasting results are not a product of long-term dieting and elimination.

The way to achieve true, lasting transformation is to find healthy habits that work for you in...

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Do You Have a Healthy Gut?

Do You Have a Healthy Gut?

Gut health refers to the function and balance of the gastrointestinal tract. Ideally, organs all work together to allow us to eat and digest food without discomfort.


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Habit Stacking - What is it & How Can it Help?

Have you heard of "Habit Stacking" before? 

Breaking down old habits and patterns that don’t support our goals and creating new ones is a practice - it’s not always easy, and...

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Fats: Yay or Nay?

There is a belief that in order you lose fat, you have to avoid fat.

True or false? 

As always, my belief is that in order to get the best results, you have to do some homework to discover...

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one size fits... ALL?

"One size fits all"... this is good for an oven mitt, a blanket... but a fitness program?

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to your health, wellness, and weight loss.
Simply put - it's...

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No way to Sugar Coat it - Processed Sugars

If you are on the journey of eating whole and healthily, you know by now that processed sugars are not part of your every-day meal plan. But what should we be looking for? And why?


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