Body Awareness

Having body awareness is one of the best ways that we can stay healthy. Having “awareness” refers to knowing what your body feels like at your “normal” (hopefully good)...

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Improve Your Posture

How can posture affect my health?

Poor posture can be had for your health. Slouching or slumping over can:

  • Misalign your musculoskeletal system
  • Wear away at your spine, making it more fragile and...
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Mindfulness & The 3 Step Approach

Someone asked me recently what makes me a great coach? What do I do with my clients that has them find real transformation, and are able to achieve their goals and then some?

I said mindfulness ...

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Shakes: What Will They Really Change?

Ads for weight-loss shakes, special formulas and pills to take, circulate our mainstream like crazy. It can be tempting to give into - you work day after day in the gym, sweating on the...

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Increase Your Shoulder Mobility

We all suffer from a bit of stiffness now and then. Our body can take a beating with everything we do in a day. It’s no wonder we feel tired and lack mobility in some of our joints. Our...

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