Top Tips for Wedding Planning Organization

I'm sure it's no secret to you at this point that planning a wedding can be a very stressful endeavor. There are so many details to worry about, and it's not as if you can put the rest of your life...

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Our FitBride Nicki

We love to celebrate our FitBrides - their achievements, their success - but we thought it would be special to celebrate the reason they are "fit brides" in the first place - their...

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Unique Wedding Ideas

One of the things we talk about a lot is how do you make a wedding unique?

Once you've been to three or four weddings, you start to notice:
The same songs being played
The same...

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Wedding Traditions Explained

Have you ever been curious about where wedding traditions come from? 

In honor of FitBride By Lee's official 2021 launch, we thought it would be fun to do a little digging and learn about...

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