Talk to Yourself for Success

Years ago, there was a scientist who decided to do a study on if the way we speak to living beings affects their ability to thrive.

This scientist took two red delicious apples and put each in the...

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How to Improve Every Day

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out”.

It’s the small things we do every day that build and add up to make a real difference and change over time. This...

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How Do I Find the Right Trainer?

How Do I Find the Right Trainer for Me?

It may feel overwhelming - you know you want to start taking your training more seriously, so you head to google or instagram or facebook and search "Trainer...

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Complex vs. Simple Carbohydrates


Good or bad?

I absolutely hate this trendy idea that carbs are bad for you!
Just like everything in life, education, moderation, and understanding are the key. I’m going to break...

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