What Does It Really Take to Make *That* Transformation?

As much as we wish it was - The transformation you see in our client's photos isn’t over night.

When you are looking at transformation pictures, your mind is just looking at the end result. It...

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Shakes: What Will They Really Change?

Ads for weight-loss shakes, special formulas and pills to take, circulate our mainstream like crazy. It can be tempting to give into - you work day after day in the gym, sweating on the...

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Do You Have a Healthy Gut?

Do You Have a Healthy Gut?

Gut health refers to the function and balance of the gastrointestinal tract. Ideally, organs all work together to allow us to eat and digest food without discomfort.


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Yo-Yo Dieting and Reverse Dieting

Picture it: Another diet fad comes along.

Buy these shakes, drink two a day, and lose 10 pounds instantly! 

So you buy the shakes, and you drink them, and you lose 6 pounds, which was exactly...

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Tips to Stay on Track While on Vacation

Since March 2021, there has been a spike in airline ticket sales. With the warm weather settling upon us and quarantine coming to an end, we've seen more people trying to get to the beach or...

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Top 5 Foods to Reduce Inflammation

First of all, what is inflammation?
Inflammation is the body’s natural defense against illness to stimulate healing. This sounds good, right? However, sustained inflammation can lead to...

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The Importance of Hydration

Sure, drinking water can help us feel good, but did you know it can help improve performance and prevent injury too? Drinking plenty of water is vital to living both a healthy life and optimizing...

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5 Reasons You May Not be Losing Weight

Before jumping into the topic why you might not be losing weight, I want to reiterate that every body is different, and everyone's needs are different. A lot of figuring out what works for you is...

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Pick a Better Bar


Pick a better bar - no, no I don't mean a better bar to go out and get drinks with your girlfriends.

That box of protein bars that you bought to snack on - do you know what's actually...

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You Learned About Macros... Now What?

So you’ve figured out your BMI, TDEE, and your basic macro breakdown. Now what?

First, if you missed my post on how to calculate your macros, make sure you check it out first.


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