What is "Functional Fitness"?

When we think of working out, often we think about lifting weights, getting bulky or big tight muscles, sweating, and - sorry if you hate this word - "gains". We might drift off to think about...

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Pelvic Floor Health

What is the pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor is made up of ligaments, connective tissue, and muscles that support the bladder, bowel, and for women, the uterus. Having a strong pelvic floor helps to...

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Improve Your Posture

How can posture affect my health?

Poor posture can be had for your health. Slouching or slumping over can:

  • Misalign your musculoskeletal system
  • Wear away at your spine, making it more fragile and...
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The Importance of Music & Movement

Workout music and playlists are now more popular than ever - although "Let's Get Physical" came out in 1981, there is a whole genre now dedicated to the hour+ people spend in the gym or in fitness...

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Talk to Yourself for Success

Years ago, there was a scientist who decided to do a study on if the way we speak to living beings affects their ability to thrive.

This scientist took two red delicious apples and put each in the...

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How to Improve Every Day

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out”.

It’s the small things we do every day that build and add up to make a real difference and change over time. This...

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Stick to Your Resolutions

So you’ve made it to the 8th (or 9th depending on where you are in the world) day of the new year and you’re hanging on to your new years resolution- even if by a thread. You want to...

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Guide to Eating at the Airport

So you booked yourself a trip, and getting ready to enjoy that vacation! You get to the airport and flight is delayed, and the choices for food are slim. There's fast food, pre-packaged sandwiches...

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Unique Wedding Ideas

One of the things we talk about a lot is how do you make a wedding unique?

Once you've been to three or four weddings, you start to notice:
The same songs being played
The same...

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Bridal Red Flags!

At TeamLeeFit, we’ve been supporting brides in achieving their goals for years. For some it was weight loss, for some it was toning up, and others it was simply building the confidence to...

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