FitBride by Lee & Free Workout

What is FitBride?

Whether you're new around here or a seasoned veteran, you have likely seen us talk about #FitBride and our FitBride program. What is it?

FitBride by Lee is a program specifically designed for soon-to-be brides who are looking to feel and look their best on their wedding day. Through customized workouts based off the bride's body type, goals, and future wedding dress, personalized nutrition plans with meals and recipes, and accountability coaching and check ins, our brides experience full transformation, mind and body. 

Our program is a 12 week process, receiving new workouts every 4-5 weeks, going through a new nutrition phase each month, and gaining more knowledge and self-awareness as time goes on. Of course brides are open to working with us longer than 3 months - in fact, we encourage it. 

Workouts: The FitBride workouts specialize in targeting specific muscle groups to build lean muscle, speed up the metabolic rate, and shed body fat using 12 week time frames. With our workouts you can expect strength, interval, and circuit based training customized to fit the bride's specific needs. 

Nutrition: The nutrition portion of the program is broken into three sections. The first 30 days are focused on cleaning up the diet from processed foods, and resetting the mindset towards nutrition. This is designed to boost the metabolism and immune system, and to teach preparation, consistency, and discipline. The next phase teaches about macronutrients where our brides get a customized macro breakdown to follow. In the last phase, our coach will support brides in how to take all the tools and knowledge to create a sustainable plan that fits with the bride's lifestyle, even after the wedding.

Mindfulness Coaching: Our FitBride program utilizes mindfulness coaching to help our brides prioritize self care during the frenzy of wedding planning, and to pay attention to their feelings just as much as their aesthetics in the process. During biweekly coaching calls, brides will review their habits with their coach, bring awareness to what can be improved upon, and celebrate the wins

Whether our FitBrides train in person, virtually, or train themselves online, all of our brides have gotten to their wedding day proud and excited about the transformation they achieved. 

To learn more about our FitBride program, click here and explore our website. As a bonus, here is a free FitBride workout to get you started (and hooked!):

Top FitBride Back Exercises:

Chin Ups 4x10
Lat Pull Downs 4x15
Cable Reverse Fly 4x12
Straight Arm Pull Downs 4x12

Top FitBride Upper Body Exercises:
Tricep Dips 4x15
Arnold Press 4x12
Bicep Curls 4x12
Front to Lateral Raise (L's) 4x16 (total)

Top Lower Body Exercises:
Hip Thrusters 4x15
Power Split Squat Press 4x10 (each side)
Back Squats 4x12

Don't forget to follow @FitBridebyLee on instagram and tag us in your workouts!


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