Spatial Awareness

Have you ever been walking down the sidewalk - when there is plenty of room - and the person walking towards you just *$%#& crashes right into you??

Or maybe you have been on line at the...

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Mindfulness & The 3 Step Approach

Someone asked me recently what makes me a great coach? What do I do with my clients that has them find real transformation, and are able to achieve their goals and then some?

I said mindfulness ...

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Top Tips for Sleeping

Sleep is so important for so many reasons - better productivity and concentration, calorie regulation, greater performance, lower risk of heart disease and inflammation - for such a natural,...

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Habit Stacking - What is it & How Can it Help?

Have you heard of "Habit Stacking" before? 

Breaking down old habits and patterns that don’t support our goals and creating new ones is a practice - it’s not always easy, and...

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